Family Photos on the Ice|Greensburg and Latrobe child and Family photographer

June 08, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

This is a little #TBT for you today! I photographed this session in 2015. When this family contacted me and said, "Our family eats, breathes, and sleeps hockey and we want to do our family photos at the hockey rink this year," I almost exploded with excitement. It isn't everyday that I get to work in a location like that, and I couldn't wait to jump right in! 

These guys spend a lot of time at Delmont's Center Ice Arena since both boys play and Dad is a coach, so it was only logical that we get them all together for photos on the ice. I got to hang out in the locker room with them as they got all of their hockey gear. These kids were so awesome. With a little help from Mom and Dad they got suited up with NO COMPLAINTS. That's how you can tell they are loving every minute of this. I thought it was cool to capture those locker room moments of getting ready. 

It's a lot of hard work strapping all of that equipment on! But like I said, they did it with no complaints and Mom and Dad were like professionals gettig it done! 

Once they were all suited up, we hit the ice and get some great photos! It was a really great experience at Center Ice Arena, we had the ice all to ourselves, so we had the freedom to try a bunch of cool stuff. 

These two being the competitors that they are couldn't resist a little one on one! I was so impressed at their skills for their age too, they are serious athletes!

Don't worry, not just the kids got out on the ice for photos. We got the whole family out there in front of the goal! Check them out! 






















After we had our fun on the ice, we changed outfits and moved over to the bleachers for a few more photos of the family.













These guys had to throw on their jersey to represent their favorite team too! That's right, Let's Go Pens! 

Since it is hockey night in Pittsburgh, I couldn't resist sharing this super fun session. Let's hope they rally tonight and show those Predators who's boss on the ice. 

If you have an idea for family photos that is outside of the box, I would love to hear form you. There isn't anything I like more than a challenge and something different from my everyday. Give me a call and we can put our heads together and come up with something amazing for your next family photo session.


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