To say that I am lucky to have several hard working, top notch, Boss Ladies in my life is a complete understatement. This Boss Lady right here came into my life last winter, and I am so happy that she did.
You might recognize her from my last blog that featured her family photo session. I met her at a kid's birthday party at a local trampoline park and we became fast friends. If you can't tell, she is totally rad and super fun. As we were chatting at the birthday party she mentioned that she was a freelance copywriter. I stopped in my tracks and said, "Really! That's awesome, I could totally use your help to spruce up my website!" When she asked what I did, and I told her I was a photographer she said, "Really! That's awesome, I could totally use your help to spruce up my website!" Like I said....we became fast friends!
She told me all about this new part of her business that she was developing and how she would need some photos to go along with all of her new marketing. She wanted them to be fun, hip, and eye catching. I was so excited to photograph her for her head shot session.
Even for a business head shot session, I still work really hard to capture the subject's true personality and identity. Long gone are the days of the stuffy head shot with a painted muslin backdrop and stiff business suit. Tara and I discussed colors of her website and branding, what style clothing she likes to wear, and all of the different places that she would be using the photos.
Before I show you more from her session, let me introduce you to Tara.
SLP: Tell me a little about yourself. Who are you and what do you do?
TARA: I'm Tara and I'm a copywriter. I am an entrepreneur, wife, and mom with a love of all things vintage. I have a true passion for the word Serendipity. I’m an avid football fan (Go Steelers). I’m an Atlantic City casino regular. My hair gets redder by the year. I believe that family comes first, friends are to be cherished, laughter really is the best medicine, and coffee makes the world go ‘round. Me in a nutshell.
SLP: When was A Passion for the Pen born? When did you decide to open up shop?
TARA: I started freelancing 6 years ago, after the birth of our first son. I had no plans to start a business, but in 2014, A Passion For The Pen was born. I began working with private clients on all sorts of writing from websites and sales pages to social media blurbs and newsletters. Writing is a passion of mine and I want to help fellow entrepreneurs and small business owners feel more creative and excited around the writing process. We are expected to produce a lot of content, so feeling more comfortable and confident in that creation is the key to real connections with your audience.
SLP: Why do you love what you do?
TARA: Writing is the thing that makes me feel alive. If my morning consists of family, coffee, a pen and paper and an idea - then I know that day is going to be an amazing one.
SLP: Where do you want to see your business go from here
TARA: In the next year, I hope to launch courses geared towards specific content like sales pages, email campaigns and websites. I am currently getting ready to launch my first online course, Let's Meet for Copy And Pull The Creative Right Out Of You, launching June 12th. This course focuses on finding ideas and inspiration, writing subject lines that increase open rates, understanding newsletter structure, creating social media blurbs that turn scrolls into clicks, connecting with your audience, writing faster and more!
She was planning to use most of the photos from her head shot session to promote her new online course, Let's Meet for Copy.
I am so exited about this course and you totally should be too! Let’s face it, with all the content we’re expected to produce and everything on our regular to do list, writing newsletter or blog copy on a consistent basis is daunting. Like, for real, trying to get out a blog or a newsletter in a semi timely manner with exciting and original content is rough! Sometimes I feel like I am saying the same things over and over. Let's Meet for Copy can help!
If you want details, just click right here. For a complete module breakdown, click the link right above the shopping cart.
If you are struggling to keep up with social media, newsletters, and blogs, Let's Meet for Copy will turn things around for you!
Working with Tara on the copy within my website earlier in the year has definitely contributed to raising my Google search ranking. In January I set out to be on page one of the Google search when someone searched for either Latrobe Photographer or Greensburg Photographer. I was somewhere buried on page six or seven for either search and I knew I had to do something. Tara helped me come up with great copy for the pages that had none, streamline some of the pages that were too wordy, AND she helped me write my bio. Now, if you search Latrobe Photographer or Greensburg Photographer, you can find me on page ONE for both searches! That's right, in less than 6 months I moved up five whole pages in google ranking! So, I really can't recommend her enough. She is totally FAB!
You really should meet her for copy in her digital course: Let’s Meet For Copy And Pull The Creative Right Out Of You, starting June 12th. She wants to help you get inspired, write kick-ass, original content and learn to enjoy the writing process. If you meet her, tell her I sent you!
Hair and Makeup by: Jacki Demario INSTAGRAM: @jackidemario